Winning at Poker An Expert's Guide
by John Archer
An expert's guide that will have you winning in no time! |
A valid and useful book on poker must specify the circumstances under which the game is played. Good playing strategy in one type of game may be unsound in another. Stakes and betting limits can be high or low. In games with very low limits, players have little concern for the money per se. This book is intended for the serious player of games where the money really counts.
Author John Archer sets out to make the reader competent at the relatively difficult game of High-Low Seven-Card Stud. An initial mastery of this game provides excellent equipment for adaptation to the nuances of other poker forms. He then goes on to other Stud games and variants, Draw Poker, casino poker, Razz, Hold "Em, and others. Attention is given to material that is directly useful at the poker table. Subtleties of rules are examined, as is the importance of mathematical odds to the game.
Superior players know that a complicated game gives them opportunity to exploit their skills. Let Winning at Poker make you a superior, and winning, player!
Winning at Poker An Expert's Guide
166 pages....$10.00 |
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