Winning at Craps
by Dr. Lloyd T. Commins
Craps is Not a Game of Luck...Don't Risk One Dollar on a Crap Table Without Reading this Book!
You never again have to place a "Bad Bet." You can become a successful Crap shooter with a sixth sense by learning how to:
Combine a thorough knowledge of what you are doing with the right conditions. |
Recognize and take advantage of well-known cycles that seem to defy percentages and common sense. |
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Learn the investment strategy that can make you a winner and help you stay that way by keeping your winnings. |
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Whether you are unfamiliar with the game, have some knowledge of it but lose more than you would like to, or are a seasoned player with some idea of percentages, but do not know exactly what they are or how to decipher them...this book is for you.
Winning at Craps....$10.00 |
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