Weekend Tennis
by Bill Talbert with Gordon Greer
How to Have Fun
and Win at the Same Time |
For the millions of enthusiastic tennis buffs who play only on weekends, in club tournaments and on vacations, this book offers sound and witty advice on how to have more fun by winning more matches. Drawing on his lifetime of playing, observing and coaching all types of players, Bill Talbert covers strategy, equipment, psyching (yourself up, your opponent down), conditioning, pacing, the player over forty, family tennis and weekend tournaments.
Without going into intricate strategies or detailed diagrams, Talbert begins with a brief course in the basics of the game that includes descriptions of common errors and tips on how to correct them, and then offers chapter and verse on the uses and abuses of certain strokes – the lob, the dink, the American twist serve – and shows you how to develop your own bag of tricks to make the most of the game you have.
The approach is both informal and informative. Laced throughout with stories about famous tennis players and famous people who play tennis, Weekend Tennis will help anyone to play better tennis – and have more fun while doing it.
Weekend Tennis
240 pages....$3.00 |
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