Understanding Horses
by Garda Langley
Throughout Man's long association with the Horse, the most successful horsemen have been those who have used some degree of knowledge of psychology or understanding of the horse, rather than trying to dominate the horse with force. Or, more simply, those people who are sensitive, perceptive, and sensible in relation to horses, and develop an empathy or a rapport with them, are the most effective with them.
If we can understand all aspects of our horses, we can make them happy and motivate them to work better and to be more successful in competition.
What makes horses 'tick'? What makes them think and function in the way they do? Learning the needs of horses is the first step in discovering their emotions, and understanding their behavior.
Horses, like people, have a number of essential needs, both physical and psychological. Their physical needs are for food, water, shelter from extreme weather, a safe environment, sensory stimulation, light, exercise and freedom from injury, pain, or parasites. Essential psychological needs are for companionship of other horses, affection, self-esteem, respect and acceptance by the herd, mental stimulation, and sufficient space.
Domesticated horses, like people, can be conditioned to have other needs too, and can learn to like or want something which would be of no interest to a wild horse. So a horse can learn, or be conditioned, to need the affection and approval of people, for example, or have the desire to achieve and win races instilled in it.
Understanding Horses is a wonderful guide to the needs and emotions of the horse, as well as its temperament, intelligence and instincts. Understanding anxiety, communication and the importance of habit are explored, as is successful breeding and breaking in the horse.
Understanding Horses
216 pages, photographs, index....$15.00 |
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