Think Like a Winner
A Bestselling Motivational Classic
by Dr. Walter Doyle Staples
Nothing is more exciting than the realization that you can accomplish whatever you want....
And nothing is more life changing than the tools to accomplish it.
This Book is Guaranteed
to Change Your Life |
From the Publisher, Melvin Powers... |
I am excited to announce a book that has the rare elements necessary to propel it into the elite category of all-time, best-selling motivational classics. It's called Think Like a Winner! by Dr. Walter Doyle Staples, a highly acclaimed authority on human potential.
For years I have been fascinated by how some people become successful, while others in the same business or profession never quite seem to make it, no matter how hard they try. I wanted to know what sets them apart.
Learn the Secret of Success |
I found that many successful people credit the shaping or changing of their thinking for putting them on the road to personal and financial success. Most remember a specific book that had great influence on their manner of thinking.... That's exactly what had happened to me. I read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill when I was only 16 years old, and I've never forgotten the impact it made.
I have been a book publisher for more than 40 years, specializing in motivational books. I've published such multi-million bestsellers as Psycho-Cybernetics, The Magic of Thinking Big, and Think & Grow Rich (which I published in trade paperback years after first reading it in hardcover). And I've read almost every motivational book that's been on the market. Though many have been interesting and helpful, only a handful have attained true greatness. Think Like a Winner! is destined for such greatness. Those who read it are profoundly affected. It's only a matter of time until Think Like a Winner! is cited by successful people as the book that changed their lives.
Of the many motivational books available, Think Like a Winner! has been chosen as the Bible of the Melvin Powers Wealth-Building Teama group of motivated entrepreneurs participating in my money-making opportunities. Why are we using this particular book? Because it teaches people how to think like winners and get the concrete results that winners get.
Techniques of Thinking Like a Winner |
How do you think like a winner if you haven't been as successful as you'd like? In Think Like a Winner! Dr. Staples explains how the mind functions and specifically how you can achieve your personal and financial goalseven if you've repeatedly been unable to do so in the past. You'll learn how to reach your full potential, resulting in psychological and physiological changes that create a win-win life.
Dr. Staples compares the mind to a giant computer. Both are neutral. Both put out what has been put into them. Garbage in, garbage outan expression well known to computer usersalso applies to the human mind. Negative suggestions and experiences are the garbage that get programmed. Dr. Staples tells how to change one's programming so that what comes out is life enhancing ... the stuff of winners.
The Most Important Choice You'll Ever Make |
What is the most important choice you'll ever make? Your manner of thinking. And it is a choice. By choosing to think like a winner, you'll be choosing personal and financial success. You'll be open to opportunities that come your waymotivated and diligent in your pursuit of them. Eventually you'll catch the brass ring. I've seen it happen again and again with readers of my books and people who participate in my business opportunities. You are not only what you are today, but also what you choose to become tomorrow.
You're in the Right Place at the Right Time for Success...Right Now! |
How many times have you heard that success is being at the right place at the right time? Well ... you're in luck. At this very moment you are at the right place at the right time. Begin to think like a winner and seize this opportunity to get on the road to success.
Leading Authorities in the Motivational Field Praise Think Like a Winner! |
Anthony Robbins Author, Unlimited Power
Helping people discover their richest possibilities and reach their greatest heights is an extraordinary gift, and the one that Dr. Staples shares.
Dr. Robert Schuller Founding Pastor, The Crystal Cathedral
If you want to maximize your lifes potential and at the same time enhance the lives of others, Think Like a Winner! is vital reading.
Denis Waitley Author, The Psychology of Winning
A complete how to success system for reaching new heights of personal excellence.
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale Author, The Power of Positive Thinking
Think Like a Winner! is a scholarly motivational book. It convincingly presents workable formulae for releasing your potential.
Dr. Kenneth Blanchard Co-Author, The One Minute Manager
Leaders are those who have a vision of excellence and have acquired the necessary skills to help themselves and others reach their full potential. By applying the principles of this book, you are taking a major step in this direction.
James Newman Author, Release Your Brakes!
The years of study and exploration which have gone into your book, Think Like a Winner! have produced a terrific course for personal growth. It will make a positive contribution to the life of every person who reads it.
Brian Tracy Author, The Psychology of Success
This book is a veritable encyclopedia of success ideas and concepts, and anyone could benefit by applying these ideas to his or her life.
You'll be given a tested, proven blueprint for success. Follow it and your life will change forever. Order Think Like a Winner! If it isn't all I've said it isand moreyou can return it for a full refund at any time.
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Think Like a Winner
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