Think and Grow Rich
The International Bestseller by Napoleon Hill
A Personal Invitation
and Message
From the Publisher,
Melvin Powers... |
I am pleased to be publishing the original, unabridged, classic edition of the world famous book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hilljust as he wrote it in 1937. It has been an international bestseller for many years, selling millions of copies in its various editions.
As a publisher of motivational books, I have had the pleasure of bringing to the public such books as Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, M.D., The Magic of Thinking Big and The Magic of Thinking Success by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D., Think Like a Winner! by Walter Doyle Staples, Ph.D., Three Magic Words and Success Cybernetics by U. S. Andersen, Grow Rich With Your Million Dollar Mind and How to Succeed by Brian Adams, and Charisma: How to get "that special magic" by Marcia Grad.
These books, like my earlier editions of Think and Grow Rich, have brought remarkable changes into the lives of those people who practiced the principles espoused. But of all the motivational bestsellers I have ever published, Think and Grow Rich remains the closest to my heartand the most responsible for my own success in life.
I Owe My Success to This Book |
My enthusiasm for Think and Grow Rich began when I first read it as a boy of 16 years. Its message had a profound influenceand still doeson my psyche. At that time I was living in Boston and, as a hobby, started a mail order business at the kitchen table. Using the principles of Think and Grow Rich, I set a goal of making $1,000 a month selling how-to and motivational books, including Think and Grow Rich. Within a short time I met my goal and then exceeded it.
Years later when I moved to Los Angeles to start my publishing company, again using the principles of Think and Grow Rich, I set career and financials goalsand I achieved those goals. There was no doubt in my mind that I could do it because I had gotten the message loud and clear that I could do whatever I set out to do if I believed I could. Based on that belief I have set and achieved many goals besides being a successful book publisher. I have been an award-winning songwriter, a motivational speaker, college lecturer, breeder of champion Arabian horses, entertainer, producer of infomercials, mail order consultant, and author of two of the best-selling books in the mail order field, How to Get Rich in Mail Order and Making Money With Classified Ads.
My latest challenge is building a substantial Internet business specializing in motivational and business books. My mind-set is resolute with the Napoleon Hill can-do philosophy, and I am pleased to report that I am achieving the yearly Internet sales goals I set. It's fun and gratifying to see the philosophy working again.
Many Refer to this Book as Their Success Bible |
During my long career teaching motivational seminars, I have had hundreds of people tell me how Think and Grow Rich has helped shape their lives. Many refer to the book as their bible. What a compliment! Because Wilshire Book Company is a source of numerous well-known motivational and inspirational books, people often visit our offices to buy them. I enjoy talking to these individuals, as we share a common philosophy. Invariably, when discussing books, Think and Grow Rich comes up in conversation as one of their all-time favorites.
Many of the motivational books of today borrow from the tenets of Napoleon Hill's work, and all of the motivational authors and lecturers I know have his book in their library.
Many years ago I had the pleasure of attending one of Napoleon Hills electrifying lectures in Los Angeles. He inspired an audience of thousands and received a resounding standing ovation. There was a positive energy in the air that you could feel. No one wanted to leave. I visited with him afterwards and found him to be the embodiment of his life-enhancing philosophy.
Your Exciting Roadmap to Riches |
Few things contribute more to peoples well-being and sense of self-worth than their ability to achieve financial independence for themselves and their family. My advice is to use the principles set forth in this original, unabridged edition of Napoleon Hill's book and make it part of your life. These principles have helped millions, and I have every confidence that they will now help you. Thats why I extend this personal invitation for you to let Think and Grow Rich take you on an exciting road to riches.
You have my best wishes for your success both personally and financially. Remember, if you can conceive your goal, you can achieve it. Think like a winner and you'll be one!
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Think and Grow Rich
384 pages....$15.00 |
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