Test Your Bridge Play Volume 2
115 Declarer-Play Problems Designed to Improve Card Playing Techniques for Bridge Players Who Are Sick and Tired of Going Down in Cold Contracts
by Edwin B. Kantar
One of the Foremost Bridge Players in the World Shows You How to Improve Your Bridge Play |
The hands in Test Your Bridge Play Volume 2 are designed for players who would like to improve their play of the cards relatively painlessly.
Most of the problems have mates. In other words you will have more than one opportunity to grapple with an end play or an avoidance play. In fact the book was written with just that in mind seeing if the reader can learn to recognize hand types as he sifts through the book.
The problems contain no catches. They are all straight-forward. The reader is asked to forget temporarily the word "overtricks". Just worry about making the contract. Rubber bridge or money players do not worry about overtricks neither do Team of Four players. They only think in terms of making their contract. It is a good habit to form. Later you can start worrying about overtricks.
The bidding is fairly straightforward. Anytime a convention, even a simple one like Stayman, is used, it is noted. You can feel you are making progress if you err on a particular theme the first time that type of hand appears, but pick it up when it reappears. It will reappear not to haunt you but to help you.
If you have a friend and/or a partner who is tired of going down in cold contracts, give him this book. You couldn't do them a bigger favor!
Test Your Bridge Play Volume 2
234 pages....$10.00 |
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