Stable Management for the Owner-Groom
by George Wheatley
Almost everyone who keeps a horse today has to be his own groom and stable manager. Perhaps this is fortunate, for a large part of the pleasure of owning a horse lies in looking after it, grooming, handling, and feeding it.
Author George Wheatley, himself a stable owner and a man who has known and loved horses all his life, sets out in Stable Management for the Owner-Groom to give an accurate, detailed, and comprehensive guide to efficient and economical stable management and horsemastership for the amateur. He aims particularly at those who are acquiring a horse for the first time, and who have little or no knowledge regarding its care and welfare.
Besides the important features of grooming, handling, and feeding, the author deals, in nontechnical language, with such aspects as stabling, stable equipment, tack, lunging, clipping, treatment of wounds, breeding, and keeping a stallion. There are many illustrations throughout the book both drawings and photographs that the reader will find invaluable.
Stable management has been a somewhat neglected subject, but Mr. Wheatley, in writing so practically and clearly, has admirably filled the gap in the material previously available for the guidance of young stable managers and owner-grooms.
Stable Management for the Owner-Groom
272 pages, illustrations, photographs....$7.00 |
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