Songwriters' Rhyming Dictionary
By Jane Shaw Whitfield, edited by Frances Stillman
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An invaluable book for every songwriter is the Songwriters' Rhyming Dictionary containing thousands of rhymes which will be of tremendous help in your lyric writing. With it you can easily rhyme any word.
Whether you are a lyricist, an advertising jingle writer, a poet, a teacher, or someone who just wants to have fun with words, Songwriters' Rhyming Dictionary is for you.
This comprehensive, authoritative treasure chest of rhymes is conveniently arranged for quick reference. Finding the perfect rhyme for even the most challenging words has never been this easy.
Rhymes are llisted according to their key vowel sound. In each entry, rhyming words are divided into numbered groups of one-, two-, and three-syllable alphabetized words.
Includes foreign-language expressions commonly used in English and numerous slang and colloquial expressions.
Songwriters' Rhyming Dictionary
286 pages....$15.00 |
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