Soccer The Game and How to Play It
by Gary Rosenthal, illustrated by Frank Bolle
Soccer is the world's most popular sport. It is to the rest of the world what baseball is to the United States and hockey is to Canada the national pastime.
The newspapers of other countries are crammed with soccer news and features about the celebrated personalities who play the game. Crowds of 80,000 and more pack soccer stadiums across Europe, Latin America and Asia.
In the United States, the growth of soccer has been phenomenal. More than 600 colleges and universities are playing intercollegiate soccer, and each season brings new teams into competition across the country. Soccer's popularity here is based on its appeal for participants, for physical education teachers, for coaches and for spectators.
For anyone playing, soccer provides good physical conditioning. Players have to be in top shape for the fast, rugged and relatively uninterrupted pace of the game. The training and conditioning develop stamina, strength and endurance.
Soccer The Game and How to Play It
178 pages, with extensive illustrations....$7.00 |
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