Smart Handicapping Made Easy
by William Bauman
After all, horse sense is just
stable thinking.
old proverb |
Smart Handicapping Made Easy goes farther than anything you have ever read on the secrets of the professionals. Most books on Handicapping fall down when they tackle the all-important question of whether or not a horse is going to try whether the stable is sending the horse today or prepping him for a race next week. This book tells you how to answer that crucial question, and tells you when to bet a horse and when to lay off.
If there were no wagering on races, and trainers therefore had no motive for manipulating animals to get a price, the horse-players would find it a lot easier to pick the winners. A good handicapper could read the past performances and come up with the contenders almost every time. But as things stand, "pure" handicapping is never good enough to put a player on the winning side of the fence.
Smart Handicapping Made Easy ties up "pure" handicapping with the inside betting activity of professionals, so that a player can know when to get aboard and when to lay off.
Here is a book on the art of playing the races intelligently that will save you money from the start and put you on the road to success. It is a complete manual for the smart operator, yet it is written so simply that any beginner can learn all he needs to know about the game. And both beginners and dyed-in-the-wool players will find eye-openers on every page.
Smart Handicapping Made Easy
162 pages....$10.00 |
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