Never Underestimate the Selling Power of a Woman
by Dottie Walters
The First Sales Book Ever Written for Women...by a Saleswoman |
Women have always been the world's best "salesmen." Long before Cleopatra "sold" Julius Caesar on appointing her Queen of Egypt and later convinced Mark Anthony to fight a war for her, women have been getting their way in the world.
Now here is a book, written by a woman who really knows what she's talking about, which can help any woman make her way in the world of selling.
Selling is communicating. Good selling is good communicating. Great selling is great communicating. This takes preparation, knowledge and planning. It takes deciding on what to sell and to whom. It means finding out how to get started, where and with what.
All of these questions are interestingly and effectively answered in Never Underestimate the Selling Power of a Woman. Selling is the very heart of business. It consists of getting the manufacturer or the person providing a service together with the customer. Without it, we would not be living in the kind of economic climate we enjoy today.
The opportunities in selling are infinite and boundless. The effective woman in sales has complete security. This is something every woman should have. It can be found within the pages of this book!
Never Underestimate the Selling Power of a Woman
224 pages....$7.00
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