Ways to Self-Realization
A Modern Evaluation of Occultism & Spiritual Paths
by Mouni Sadhu
The impure and undisciplined mind is bondage, but when purified and dominated it becomes a liberator of man.
Sankaracharya |
People often think that occultism, mysticism, and the inherent paths of discipleship are nebulous rather than something definite. Likewise, those who choose such paths are regarded as unrealistic, living in what is termed a daydream.
All these misconceptions are only further proof that the subject is far from being properly understood by laymen; but that is only natural and almost unavoidable.
What we can grasp about the spiritual or occult paths must necessarily come from adepts themselves, that is disciples or pupils of a true Master. Some travel on a straight way through the realization of the unique immaterial Truth of Being, others strive for the occult paths. Mouni Sadhu, in Ways to Self-Realization, presents material as seen from the point of view of both types of disciples.
This our epoch in human history is one of an intense and often violent search for solution of the pressing problems of our inner and outer life, and for new, wider conceptions and forms of that life. All this can be realized only by our own efforts.
Humanity is composed of single units, men. The more these components are enlightened and advanced, the higher is the level of the whole human race, and with it comes a better collective karma or destiny for the planet.
Ways to Self-Realization
250 pages....$7.00 |
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