Self-Therapy for the Stutterer
Tenth Edition
by Malcolm Fraser
If you are like many of the three million stutterers in the United States, adequate clinical treatment will not be available to you. Whatever you do you'll have to be pretty much on your own with what ideas and resources you can use.
Joseph G. Sheehan, Ph.D.
There are always some stutterers who are unable to get professional help and others who do not seem to be able to profit from it. There are some who prefer to be their own therapists. In this book, Malcolm Fraser, Founder of the Stuttering Foundation of America, has provided some guidance for those who must help themselves. Knowing well from his own experience as a stutterer the difficulties of self-therapy, he outlines a series of objectives and challenges that should serve as a map for the person who is lost in the dismal swamp of stuttering and wants to find a way out.
The first thing you must do is to admit to yourself that you need to change, that you really want to do something about the way you presently talk. This is tough but your commitment must be total; not even a small part of you must hold back. Don't dwell longingly on your fluency in the magical belief that some day your speech blocks will disappear. There is no magic potion, no pink pill that will cure stuttering.
Self-Therapy for the Stutterer breaks down the problems of stuttering into its parts and then helps you solve them one at a time.
Self-Therapy for the Stutterer
192 pages, photographs, glossary....$1.00 |
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