Ride Western
by Louis Taylor
The goal of Western horsemanship is to make the horse an extension of your own physique, so that you can move any part of that extension as deftly as you move your own body but more swiftly and powerfully. The rider must relax, move with the horse, and constantly be aware of the horse's rhythmic motions.
This book offers the most comprehensive treatment of Western riding available, and is suited to both beginners and advanced horsemen. It will also increase the fun of the spectator at rodeos and horse shows, because it helps him understand what he's looking at and see things he was never aware of before.
The author gives a concise history of the development of Western horsemanship over the past four and a half centuries, from the early conquistadors through the era of the working cowboy with his special needs, to today with its emphasis on riding for sport.
For the beginner the book explains what to do with a green horse and continues step-by-step through training to the finished product suitable for competition or use as a personal mount.
For the experienced horseman who wants to improve and become a winner in a particular skill, Ride Western is a text and handbook containing secrets and methods garnered from the experience of top performers as well as firsthand knowledge of the author.
Ride Western
232 pages, 18 drawings, 49 photographs....$7.00 |
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