Payday at the Races
by Les Conklin
An expert's guide that will have you winning in no time! |
Payday at the Races should be mighty helpful to racetrack fans. For one thing, author Les Conklin says the reader generally will have to glance only at the performance of a horse in his last race in the past performance records, instead of scanning all of his last eight or nine races that are listed in the official racing papers.
Furthermore, it is necessary to examine only a small portion of the myriad symbols recorded. The reader need refer to only comparatively few of these symbols in order to follow the instructions in Payday at the Races to do all of his figuring at the track, between races, instead of toiling over his calculations for hours, as is the habit of many dyed-in-the-wool turf enthusiasts.
The stated aim of Payday at the Races is to enable the casual race-goer to make expenses at the track at the very least. And certainly all of us will agree that there is a much greater thrill in picking our own winners instead of blindly following top consensus horses in general, and "best bets" in particular.
Payday at the Races
226 pages....$7.00 |
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