The Melvin Powers Mail Order Millionaire Course |
I Can Help You Achieve Your Financial Goals! |
Sound like the impossible dream? |
It's a dream that positively can come true for you. |
Why am I so sure? Because I've taught many people who once only dreamed of riches, how to start and operate a successful mail order business. Like so many other things in life, it seems so easy when you know how; so difficult, sometimes impossible, when you don't.
I've made millions starting with
less than $100. |
As president of Wilshire Book Company, I've published such multi-million bestsellers as Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, MD; The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz, Ph.D.; Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill; and millions of copies of other titlesmost of them through the mail. I started my mail order career with one book. How did I do it? I spent 40 years developing a mail order system that works, and I use it faithfully.
I'm not the only one who has become rich using this mail order system. |
As a mail order consultant, I used my system with many businesses. I saw them flourish. As a college instructor, I taught my system to thousands of students. Many started with little money and became successful. As an author, I wrote about my system in my books How to Get Rich in Mail Order and Making Money with Classified Ads, read by tens of thousands of people. As consultant to top cable television marketing companies, I applied my system to direct response TV. As a direct response TV product marketer, I offered my course of instruction on a show called Mail Order Millionaire which aired nationally.
The individuals who achieved success are ordinary people who used my system to carry them along the road to riches. |
They started out with dreams, probably much like yoursdreams of extra money to buy larger homes, new automobiles, travel, and pay for college educations. Dreams of becoming their own boss and working as much or as little as they wanted. Dreams of finding their work rewarding, challenging, and fun. Dreams of achieving financial security that would guarantee comfort in their later years. And dreams of a mail order business that would dramatically change their lives forever. Today these ordinary people are living their dream lives.
The testimonials on the next page are from people like you. Their results could be your results. The money they made could be money you've made. Here is authenticated proof that my system works. These success stories are on file in my office, as required by law.
Certified Success Stories |
$7,000 IN 2 MONTHS
Made over $7,000 in two months using your advice.
J.F.B. Levittown, PA
$8,230 IN 1 MONTH
You have whet my appetite for success. Following your suggestions, I did $8,230 worth of business in just one month.
T.C. Utica, NY
$18,000 IN 3 WEEKS
You changed my life. I followed your instructions. The results$18,000 in the first three weeks! I know that I am on my way to riches! Those checks look so beautiful. Thank you, Mr. Powers.
V.W. Carpinteria, CA
$20,000 IN 6 MONTHS
By using only a couple of your suggestions, I personally made $20,000 in a six-month period. Melvin...priceless and highly recommend it to anyone.
S.M. Manhattan Beach, CA
$30,000 IN 1 MONTH
Following your advice, I did $30,000 worth of business in one month. Many thanks.
J.W. Los Angeles, CA
The tips and instructions grossed me $40,000 the first month and the money is still rolling in.
G.B. Canton, MI
$93,000 IN 28 DAYS
I earned over $93,000 in one 28-day period using your techniques. Never before have I made so much money with so little effort. Thanks for your good advice.
S.H.N. Indianapolis, IN
$100,000 IN 4 MONTHS
Using your techniques and expertise, I made over $100,000 in four months. Keep up the good work.
B.K. Grand Rapids, MI
$1,000,000 IN 5 MONTHS
I was completely broke and in the depths of depression when I read your material. Believe it or not, in five months I did $1,000,000 worth of business, and I am now in the process of purchasing a building worth close to $500,000. My whole life has been changed due to you. How can I ever thank you?
G.C. Los Angeles, CA
How can you duplicate these peoples' success? |
By duplicating their attitudes and actions. That means thinking as they thought and doing as they did. They didn't just sit around wishing for success. They developed a belief in their ability to be successful, and they put forth a sustained effort using the Melvin Powers program to create wealth. Now you have the opportunity to do the same.
Don't let your psyche sabotage your success. |
Most people are defeated before they ever beginnot by a lack of ability, talent, knowledge, time, energy, contacts, and/or money, but by a lack of belief that they can be successful. In any endeavor, people most often fail because of self-doubt. They scare themselves into mediocrity by listening to an insistent inner voice that relentlessly tells them the task that lays before them is too difficult; that successful individuals have something they lack; or that the program, method, or system that repeatedly has been effective for others probably won't work for them. Some people never try at all; others give up too soon, often just as they are unknowingly on the verge of success.
I understand the self-doubt you may have if you have never been your own boss. |
But just because you haven't done it yet doesn't mean you can't. It does mean, however, that you may have great difficulty believing that you can be successful in your own business. Why? Because you haven't yet proven to yourself that you can do it.
Only experiencing success will completely convince you. |
In the meantime, pretend that you already believe you can do it. Think and act just as you would if your belief had already grown strong. Decide to give yourself a vacation from the most treacherous of all saboteursself-doubt. Pack it away until you experience your first few successes. You'll be amazed how easily success will wipe out even the most stubborn feelings of insecurity. Give yourself a gift of timetime to get yourself on the road to riches without your concerns and fears holding you back. That's when you will know in every fiber of your being that you positively can and will be every bit as successful as the individuals whose success stories you have just read.
Three secrets of success guaranteed to make you a winner. |
1. |
Nourish the belief that you can be successful. |
2. |
Put forth a sustained effort toward your goal. |
3. |
Use a system that has created wealth for others. |
Being your own boss in a successful business is one of the greatest joys in life. |
It's unlikely you will become wealthy working for someone else. The only way to achieve financial security for you and your family is to become your own boss in a substantial business that you control. It is the best way to achieve financial independence, and it allows you to work when you want, live where you want, have time to enjoy your family and recreational activities, and feel good about yourself. When you become your own boss, you take control of your life and build the secure future you once thought was beyond your reach. Only then are you truly free. If you will do your part, my mail order course will give you that freedom. That's my promise.
The system that has worked for others can work for you as well. |
The Melvin Powers Mail Order Millionaire Course turns road blocks into stepping stones to success. The question is not whether the system will work for you, but will you work the system? Whether you want to earn extra money working part time or yearn to become wealthyyou can do it. Rich people are no smarter than you. They have simply learned and applied the techniques of making money. You can do the same.
Professionals acclaim the Melvin Powers Mail Order Millionaire Course. |
They call it the Rolls Royce of mail order instruction courses. Why? Because it's loaded with practical information based on many years of successful personal experience.
This is the moment of truth! |
Do you really want financial independence? Do you want to have the money, peace of mind, and time necessary to enjoy life with your loved ones? If your answer is Yes, it is time for you to take the first step. Send now for the Melvin Powers Mail Order Millionaire Course. It consists of my best-selling books, How to Get Rich in Mail Order and Making Money with Classified Ads, and a comprehensive audio program filled with many hours of detailed information describing the techniques that have made me and others rich. You will learn my secrets of hitting the jackpot again and again, raking in millions. My course gives easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions on how to get your hands on those stacks of mail full of cash, checks, and money orders that represent your future financial independence.
Picture yourself opening envelope after envelope and shaking out more money than you ever imagined possible. |
Can it ever really happen to you? It sure canjust as it has for others who once had your same doubts, but refused to let that stop them. Remember: You are not only what you are today, but also what you choose to become tomorrow.
Take that first step along the road to riches by ordering my course. |
Do it right now. And do it with complete peace of mind knowing that I unconditionally guarantee my course will show you how to make money in mail order. I'm so sure it will bring you the riches you've dreamed of that you can postdate your check or money order for 30 days. If, for any reason, you decide to return the course, I'll send back your uncashed check or money order or credit your account immediately. Fair enough?
Don't procrastinate!
It takes more than dreaming to achieve success.
Order my course and change your life.
Upon receipt of your order for the digital course, download instructions will be emailed to you. |
Order the Melvin Powers Digital Mail Order Millionaire Course directly from Melvin Powers. Send $97.00 (CA res. $105.97) to:
Wilshire Book Company, 9731 Variel Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311-4315.
Secure Order Online from Wilshire Book Company |
Or, order the Melvin Powers Digital Mail Order Millionaire Course
through PayPal:
