Knights Without Armor
By Aaron R. Kipnis, Ph. D.
For every man who wants to shed his armorand for the women who care about them... |
If you are struggling to rid yourself of heavy old restrictive armor that limits pleasure and joy in your life, hurts your relationships, damages your health, causes you to do destructive things to yourself and othersor if someone you care about is engaged in this struggleKnights Without Armor is just what you need.
For centuries men have been taught from childhood that encasing themselves in armor is an integral part of being a man. And some men are further trapped by roles and jobs that demand they be tough and cold and hard as steel. They use psychological armor to forge ahead and to protect themselves from the potential ravages of what they confront day after day.
For many, maintaining their armor results in their walling themselves off from their feelings and from other people, which can come at a very high costisolation, confusion, frustration, anger, depression, addictions, troubled relationships, stress-related illnesses. But they fear that if they remove their armor, they may lose their strength, their powereven their masculinity.
Not so! says Knights Without Armor. Living the myth of the lone hero who conquers all through the force of his will is not the only wayor the best wayto be strong and powerful. This book is an adventure of self-discovery for male readers. The "Twelve Tasks of Men" guides them past the problems they have opening up their lives, and the "Male Manifesto" clarifies what it means to be a man. The adventure for women is in gaining insight into their mans quest to find a new way to live in the world.
Knights Without Armor....$10.00
For a beautiful, 294-page hardcover edition of Knights Without Armor: A Practical Guide for Men in Quest of the Masculine Soul by Aaron R. Kipnis, Ph.D.psychotherapist, leader of men's groups, and expert in modern man’s quest to live a new masculine role, send $10.00 (CA res. $10.93) plus $4.00 per book S/H ($20.00 per book for airmail outside USA) to:
Wilshire Book Company, 9731 Variel Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311-4315.
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