Kantar for the Defense Volume 1
by Edwin B. Kantar
Let Eddie Kantar Show You the Way to Expert Bridge Defense |
Kantar for the Defense Volume 1 is a compendium of 100 practical defensive problems. The level ranges from intermediate to semi-advanced.
With few exceptions all of the hands can be defeated with logical defense. The reader is to assume that he is playing with an expert partner. He can definitely be trusted but no defender is an island. He will also trust your leads and signals.
In order to do well on these hands, you are going to have to both count and visualize. Your thought process should start with the bidding trying to work out declarer's most likely distribution and point count. Next, you will have to work out the meaning of partner's opening lead as well as placing the key missing honors around the table. Furthermore, if you are not in the habit of counting declarer's tricks as the play develops, you will be after you read this book. Finally, you must be prepared to put certain cards in partner's hand if you absolutely need those cards to defeat the contract.
The reader is encouraged to answer each question before going on to the next. Frequently the answer to the previous question will be found in the following question. In the rare instance where you actually make a defensive error, you can consult a list of themes for each of the 100 problems listed in the back of the book. If certain errors reoccur, you can isolate the theme and know what you have to work on.
Kantar for the Defense Volume 1
212 pages....$10.00 |
Available wherever books are sold or from the publisher. Send $10.00 (CA res. $10.93) plus $4.00 per book S/H ($20.00 per book for airmail outside USA) to:
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