How to Improve Your Bridge
An Expert's Guide to Better Bidding
by Alfred Sheinwold
How to Improve Your Bridge is meant for you if you have already played a fair amount of bridge and if you want to improve your game particularly your bidding.
The 4-3-2-1 Point Count is used throughout, but the purpose of the book is to lift you past the adding-machine stage up to the rarefied heights of expert judgement. More than 600 illustrative hands are used for this purpose, with the quizzes reinforcing the lessons of the main text.
The bidding advice in this book applies to rubber bridge, but most of it can be used profitably in duplicate tournaments. The "system" recommended is the method followed by the majority of the leading American players.
Your attention is called particularly to the discussion of forcing and non-forcing bids in the various chapters. In most cases all of the experts agree, and you will be well advised to go along with them; in a few cases, they disagree, and here you may use your own judgement provided that you make sure that you various partners always know what your bids mean.
It isn't necessary to read the entire book in one sitting. Take it a few pages, or a chapter, at a time. Refer to it from time to time, especially after a losing session; it will help you to improve your bridge the next time.
How to Improve Your Bridge
190 pages....$7.00 |
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