Illustrated Horseback Riding for Beginners
Written and Illustrated by Jeanne Mellin
Do you want to ride and yet are doubtful about how and where to begin? Do you think that all riding falls into two types "English" and "Western"? This book by championship horsewoman Jeanne Mellin will tell you about the three styles of riding most popular throughout the United States and Canada today, and the appropriate saddles, tack and apparel for each.
Over 100 illustrations by the author supplement her lucid text in providing step-by-step instruction in all three styles of riding, with lively comments and tips on breeds of horses, riding apparel and riding etiquette. More important, the book stresses the need for harmony between horse and rider in the interplay of physical movement and psychological response that is horsemanship.
Author and illustrator of numerous books on horses, Jeanne Mellin lives and works in New York's Dutchess County, on a farm where Morgan horses are bred and trained. A rider since childhood, her studio (where she writes and illustrates her books and does oil paintings of champion horses) bristles with trophies and blue ribbons.
Her approach in this book is forthright, imbued with common sense and the knowledge that comes from experience she has little patience with show-offs in either Western or English style. If your interest in riding is sincere, this book is for you.
Illustrated Horseback Riding for Beginners
144 pages, extensively illustrated....$7.00 |
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