Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis
by Bernard Hollander, M.D.
foreword by Melvin Powers
The main object of Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis is to draw attention to the importance of hypnotism and its phenomena, in order to stimulate inquiry into what is still a mysterious and unexplored subject. The investigations, experiences, and views presented in this book should prove of interest and value both to the medical and psychological expert and to the general reader.
Suggestion plays a very important part in our mental development. Life is full of it; we cannot escape its influence. We are constantly receiving suggestions, or suggesting to others, though we are not always conscious of the power we are exercising.
In ordinary life, important mental operations are carried on without consciousness or, at all events, without the full consciousness of the individual. Similarly, with the help of hypnotism, the subconscious contents and processes of the mind can be brought into conscious activity and utilized for practical ends. Those of its qualities which make for good can be strengthened. Dormant abilities can be roused to activity, existing faculties exalted, and work accomplished of which the subject was not previously capable.
Indeed, this state resembles that in which people of genius have achieved their highest creations, while completely oblivious of their physical sensations and external surroundings.
There are forces in human beings the presence of which, with our available knowledge, we can only surmise. The strange powers of hypnosis may unlock many doors and lead to the solution of many mysteries.
Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis
192 pages....$7.00 |
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