How to Succeed
Dynamic Mind Principles that Transform Your Life
by Brian Adams
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You are born to succeed. Anyone who tells you differently is ignorant of a universal truth. But make no mistake, success seldom arrives on a platter. It is achieved by those who adhere to universal principles ageless laws that point the way to a richer and more satisfying life. This knowledge, or lack of it, is the reason one individual succeeds while another fails.
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This book shows you how to gain a new understanding of your inner 'self' and how to develop an effective self image. It presents the laws that govern your success or failure and gives you a fresh look at life; a new-found enthusiasm for what lies ahead. How to Succeed shows you the way. It is your starting point, your guide to discovering and utilizing the high-powered forces within.
How to Succeed
226 pages....$10.00 |
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