How to Self-Publish Your Book & Have the Fun & Excitement of Being a Best-Selling Author
An expert's step-by-step guide to successfully marketing your book
by Melvin Powers
1. Who is Melvin Powers? How is he uniquely qualified to write this book? How can he guide you to fame and fortune?
2. What is the motivation behind your decision to publish your book? What would it mean to you if your book were on the New York Times Bestseller List? How would you then maximize your success using your creative talent?
3. Why you should read this chapter even if you already have an idea for a book. Where do ideas come from? How to use the technique of brainstorming to generate ideas. The three major categories of book topics. How to determine the basic soundness of your idea.
4. How to test the salability of your book before you write one word.
5. How I achieved sales totaling $2,000,000 on my book, How to Get Rich in Mail Order.
6. How to develop a second career by using your expertise as a basis for conducting seminars. How to record your seminars and sell them in the form of cassette and video tapes. How to use your books and seminars as a basis for a highly informative and profitable newsletter.
7. Who says you can't judge a book by its cover? How to choose an enticing book title to attract sales. How to use subtitles to further explain and sell your book. How to choose a book design that will promote sales. How to use forewords and testimonials to your advantage.
8. Marketing strategy through bookstores, libraries, colleges, special outlets and wholesalers.
9. Success stories of Self-Publishers. How to maximize your earning potential when you have a winner. Think two or three times before you allow a major book company to publish and distribute your winning bookIt can cost you thousands of dollars in profits.
10. How to copyright your book. How to secure a Library of Congress Catalog Card Number. How to obtain an International Standard Book Number (ISBN).
11. How to write a winning advertisement.
12. Publicity represents advertising that money can't buy by Marcia Grad, Freelance Publicist.
13. Questions and answers to help you get started as a Self-Publisher.
14. Self-Publishing and the Midas Touch.
How to Self-Publish Your Book & Have the Fun & Excitement of Being a Best-Selling Author
8 1/2 x 11, 240 Pages....$20.00 |
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