Horseback Riding Made Easy and Fun
by Sue Henderson Coen
This book is a combination of three texts written by Sue Coen to accompany equitation instruction at her Windy Hill Stable. The author felt a definite need for a very simple, very basic book that would accompany this instruction without confusing the students with too much detail. There are many excellent books available today for the more advanced rider, but the beginner finds himself lost in a maze of confusion as to what he should be actually trying to accomplish as a beginner and intermediate student.
This book is not intended to take the place of good instruction; it is intended as a supplement to be used along with instruction to reinforce what is being taught in the riding ring. There is no substitute for actual instruction and criticism from a competent instructor.
Besides developing patience and consideration, horseback riding also develops self-discipline. Riding is one of the healthiest sports, providing one simultaneously with the benefits of fresh air, the exercise of many seldom used muscles, relaxation, pleasure, and the feeling of being akin to nature during the many hours spent in the saddle.
Horseback Riding Made Easy and Fun
253 pages, extensive photographs and illustrations....$10.00 |
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