Astrology How to Chart Your Horoscope
by Max Heindel
A complete textbook on the art of erecting a horoscope, with a Philosophic Encyclopedia and Tables of Planetary Hours. |
There is a side of the Moon which we never see, but that hidden half is as potent a factor in causing the ebb and flow of the Earth's tides as the part of the Moon which is visible. Similarly, there is an invisible part of man which exerts a powerful influence in life, and as the tides are measured by the motion of the Sun and Moon, so also the eventualities of existence are measured by the circling stars. Knowledge of their import is an immense power, for to the competent astrologer the horoscope reveals every secret of life.
A horoscope is simply a chart of the heavens that shows a certain position of the planets, the Moon, and zodiacal signs relative to each other and the Earth at the time of a person's birth.
Every scientifically calculated horoscope is absolutely individual and shows a stellar influence different from that exerted in any other human life commenced at a different time. If you are interested in the science of astrology, you'll enjoy this fascinating and instructional book.
Astrology How to Chart Your Horoscope
Extensive charts, tables and illustrations, 206 pages....$7.00 |
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