The Healing Power of Natural Foods
by May Bethel
You have a wonderful body. It is self-regulatory. Your heart, liver, lungs, etc. work automatically. You should know the workings of your body to appreciate what it does for you.
Under the microscope, human flesh is seen to be made up of innumerable tiny organized masses called cells which are arranged systematically in groups much like a brick wall.
Scientist tell us that each one of these cells are composed of more than 16 mineral elements and that if there is a deficiency of any one or more of these elements, illness in some form will result. To be healthy, the cells must constantly receive new supplies of those basic substances. Cells fed an abundance of raw food enzymes will have plenty of vitality to ward off the attack of a whole army of disease germs and viruses that bombard them continually.
If you feed your body cells junk food such as refined, preserved, processed foods, they will lack those needed substances. Good food habits are basic to good body structure. It is up to you to give your body the best of care.
The Healing Power of Natural Foods shows you how to supply your body with the proper foods needed to overcome disease and poor health. You have a wonderful body that is yearning to be ideally balanced. Give it natural foods, in proper measure, and you will look and feel and be healthy. This is nature's way.
The Healing Power of Natural Foods
216 pages....$7.00 |
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