Handwriting Analysis Made Easy
by John Marley
Graphology is the science concerned with the analysis and interpretation of handwriting. |
This book will endeavour to explain in the simplest possible terms a method of assessment whereby, through the graphic motion of handwriting, basic characteristics can be observed with outstanding clarity, just as mannerisms can be detected when meeting a person for the first time. We assess a person on voice, eyes, handshake, and a multitude of other observations, so that we believe we 'know' this person. Yet we may not know him at all; we may only know the outer shell the veneer. In fact we have the capacity to like and to dislike, sometimes without knowing the true reason.
We have the ability through handwriting analysis to remove the mask and to see the true person who has projected himself unconsciously on to a blank page; who has painted a word portrait of himself, who has expressed his true personality; and has revealed his temperament, his constitution and the foundation of the whole character structure. All is revealed. Thus with this additional information, plus our gauged opinion on outer impact and normal assessment, we can build up a more complete character portrait which enables us to assess even the most complicated and difficult of persons who may cross our path during the course of our life.
Handwriting Analysis Made Easy
184 pages....$10.00 |
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