How to Get Rich in Mail Order
by Melvin Powers
You Can Build
A Life of Freedom and
Financial Independence
By Following My Blueprint
for Mail Order Success...
And I Can Prove It! |
Dear Friend:
The truth is that I have already proven ittime and time again with people just like you. People whose dreams of personal freedom and financial independence came true when they followed my blueprint for success. What is this blueprint and how can you use it to make your dreams come true? Let me explain.
I'm Melvin Powers, founder and president of Wilshire Book Company, specializing in selling books by mail. For years I've sold millions of dollars worth of books and products all over the world through mail order and I'm proud to be known as the "dean of mail order publishing."
I started out in Boston with little moneyless than $100and a big dream. Then I moved to Hollywood to make my dream come true. Thanks to good instincts and good timing, my small "kitchen table" mail order operation grew. Soon I rented an office on the famous Sunset strip, which by chance turned out to be next door to a busy advertising agency. I made it a point to talk to the sophisticated copywriters, art directors, marketing men and media buyers. I learned everything I could about classified and display ads, direct mail, brochures, catalogs, and radio and television advertising. I accumulated a wealth of information that prevented many otherwise inevitable trial-and-error mistakes, learned invaluable shortcuts, and got a crash course in all the fundamentals necessary to build my mail order operation. This fascinating, free education paved the way to success.
A Proven Master Plan for Making Money |
The secrets I've learned from years of intensive research and vast experience have evolved into a solid, practical, carefully structured, blueprint for success that has made millions for me and lots of money for others. It's actually a detailed master plan for making money. It has consistently worked for me, successfully withstanding every kind of economic challenge. I now have a 15,000 square foot warehouse filled with books I publish and products I sell. I've established myself as the man with the Midas touch and my advice has been sought by multi-million dollar mail order and television infomercial companies.
I've shared this master blueprint with thousands of people who have attended my seminars in colleges and universities throughout the Los Angeles area. Those who diligently followed it built successful mail order operations that provided them with personal freedom and lasting financial security. That means they are their own boss. Their incomes are unlimited, dictated by their own efforts. They do what they want, where and when they want. . . . So what does this have to do with you? . . . Everything! Because now you can do what they've done and have what they have.
Get on the Fast Track to Success! |
The same blueprint for success that has transformed the lives of people just like you is now at your fingertips. It's all in my life-changing book How to Get Rich in Mail Order. The blueprint is explained in full detail, using simple, straightforward, down-to-earth language that anyone can easily understand. This is not a get-rich-overnight program. (Although some people do make a lot of money right away.) There's no such thing in legitimate business. It's a time-tested plan for building a respectable, enduring mail order business based on creative ideas and sound business practices.
How to Get Rich in Mail Order is a concise, yet comprehensive guide revealing tried-and-true practices and professional techniques that will soon have you shaking checks, cash, and money orders out of stacks of mail sent to you every day. Important principles, practices, and pitfalls have been charted in How to Get Rich in Mail Order to help you avoid costly mistakes and push you up the ladder of success quickly. The techniques and marketing strategies presented are the same ones I still use to hit the mail order jackpot again and again. Your turn can be next. You can get started with a minimal investment and maximize your profits to build a substantial business. You'll learn Melvin Power's money-saving, practical techniques, including how to:
Sell virtually any product or service successfully by mail. |
Make small ads pull big. |
Test full-page ads practically risk free. |
Write winning headlines and use magic words that sell time after time. |
Get thousands of dollars worth of free publicity write-ups and free display ads. |
You'll also find out how copying success brings success, learn how it's done, and find out exactly how you can do it. You'll see what elements make ads winners by examining more than 200 pages of money-making, prize-winning ads and illustrations and be shown step by step how to create big winners of your own. And you'll read success stories that inspire, encourage, and pave the way for you to follow. How to Get Rich in Mail Order is much more than a handbook for mail order success. It's also a unique guide to developing the intangible elements that make success inevitablecreativity, instincts, and an attitude that never lets you down. You'll be infused with a unique, money-making, satisfaction-filled philosophy that makes big winners not only in business, but in life.
There's a Gold Mine Out There Waiting for You to Discover It! |
The opportunities for making money in mail order are staggering. It's a booming field with plenty of room for you. You really can achieve the personal freedom and financial independence that you dream ofand it's no pipe dream. It's being done all the time by others. Why not you? It is easier than you think to be successful.
How many times have you thought about having your own business and being your own boss? Calling the shots? Being in charge of your income, your retirement, how and where your precious time on this earth is spent? It's empowering to run your own show. It builds confidence that filters over into your personal life. Taking over the helm and becoming the captain of your own ship is great. I've lived my entire adult life that way and I can tell you that it's every bit as satisfying, fulfilling, exiting, and freeing as you think it will be. The money-making formula is available for the asking. Now it's up to you.
My Iron-Clad Promise That You Can Become a Winner! |
If you are ambitious, motivated, and willing to follow the master blueprint I have laid out for you in How to Get Rich in Mail Order, you can start in your spare time with a minimal investment and begin a new life of achievement, empowerment, and abundance. The realities of your life will change. Your feelings about yourself and what you are capable of will change. A whole new world of possibilities will open up to you. Nothing can stand in your way except yourself. Do what it takes to make your dreams come true. Invest today in tomorrow's riches. Send for How to Get Rich in Mail Order on a 30-day, money-back guarantee basis.
1. |
How to Develop Your Mail Order Expertise |
2. |
How to Find Unique Products to Sell |
3. |
How to Make Money with Classified Ads |
4. |
How to Make Money with Display Ads |
5. |
Making Money with Direct Mail |
6. |
How to Copycat Successful Mail Order Operations |
7. |
How I Created a Bestseller Using the Copycat Technique |
8. |
How to Run a Profitable Mail Order Special Interest Book, Audio and Video Cassette Business |
9. |
Some of My Successful Ads & Direct Mail Circulars |
10. |
My Most Successful Mail Pieces That Sold and Are Still Selling Millions of Dollars Worth of Books |
11. |
Melvin Power's Success StrategyFollow It and You'll Become a Millionaire |
12. |
How to Sell Your Products to Mail Order Companies |
13. |
How to Get Free Display Ads and Publicity That Can Put You on the Road to Riches |
14. |
How to Make Your Advertising Copy Sizzle to Make You Wealthy |
15. |
Questions & Answers to Help You Get Started Making Money |
16. |
A Personal Word from Melvin Powers |
17. |
How to Get Started Making Money in Mail Order |
18. |
How to Sell Products on TV |
How to Get Rich in Mail Order
8 1/2 x 11, 352 pages, 200 illustrations....$20.00 |
Available at your bookstore or directly from Melvin Powers. Send $20.00 (CA res. $21.85) plus $4.00 per book S/H ($20.00 per book for airmail outside USA) to:
Wilshire Book Company, 9731 Variel Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311-4315.
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