How to Flatten Your Tush
by Coach Marge Reardon
"One of the year's funniest books."
N. Y. Times |
From the Author:
Since I first wrote this book, the spreading interest in a flat tush has been a source of revelation and dollars to me. I've received letters and phone calls from people who have finally discovered their own tushies.
When I first started to flatten my tush, I was discouraged. I had to discipline myself to an exercise program that required many different movements. I had to get in touch with my tush from the moment I awoke each morning to the end of each day. I had to run, jog, walk with my tush behind me. I had to adhere to the strict Tush Diet. Often, the exercise program was boring and unsatisfactory. I was ready to give up on my tush.
Butt something from within drove me on. I was absolutely determined to flatten my tush, and then yours. If you are able to flatten your own tush, it is easy to begin to help others. A flat tush can be your key to a happier, healthier life. It can also lead to a better sex life.
How to Flatten Your Tush has helped millions of Americans and I am grateful for your response. In this book, I have given you the best exercises I know. The rest is up to you.
How to Flatten Your Tush....$2.00 |
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