How to Develop an Exceptional Memory
by Morris Young, M.D. and Walter Gibson
With this book, you can develop your memory skills to an incredible degree. |
Memory is a highly important function of the human mind. Without it, all brain work could be wasted, for there would be no other way within itself of utilizing past experience. Indeed, life or consciousness can be looked upon as basically a series of memory impulses in which learning and memory are either simultaneous or synonymous.
Retention is the aim of memorization and it is strengthened by such factors as interest, attention, observation, association and repetition. In a sense, there is no limit to one's memory capacity. An aphorism has it that something once noted or experienced is never forgotten. But it is as good as forgotten if it can't be remembered.
How to Develop an Exceptional Memory outlines quickly mastered memory systems, including: How to easily remember names and faces, How to make rapid calculations, How to remember 100 objects.
How to Develop an Exceptional Memory
266 pages....$10.00 |
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