Breaking & Training the Driving Horse
90 Minute Videotape
by Doris L. Ganton
Doris Ganton has been driving horses for both show and pleasure since she was a teenager in the Ottawa Valley in eastern Canada. In her forty-year career, she has been a competitor, a teacher and a judge. A senior Judge with the American Driving Society, the American Horse Show Association and the Canadian Equestrian Federation, she holds the Silver Medal in four-in-hand driving from the German National Equestrian Federation.
Her first book, Breaking and Training the Driving Horse, is widely used as a basic text and recommended as a reference by Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh, in his own well-known book, Competition Carriage Driving.
Doris has taught both beginners and experienced horsemen from the Canadian Yukon to Wyoming and southern California. In this unique videotape, she shares the secrets of her success, a system that is safe and easy for both horse and driver, including choice of equipment and rigging technique. Her clear, step-by-step instruction generated confidence and creates a relationship of trust and willingness so necessary for any training program. Doris Ganton is someone to listen to and learn from. This videotape provided the opportunity to do just that.
Breaking & Training the Driving Horse videotape
90 minutes, color....$40.00 |
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