Drive On
Training and Showing the Advanced Driving Horse
by Doris L. Ganton
Doris L. Ganton, a Senior Judge in the American Driving Society, draws upon her extensive knowledge of driving horses to present a volume devoted to the advanced training of driving horses. Drive On is companion to her book, Breaking and Training the Driving Horse, also available from Wilshire Books.
In Drive On, Doris reviews the standards of training and basic training presented in the previous volume. She then devotes chapters to various driving horses including the Arabian Horse...Formal Driving, Pleasure Driving, Roadster; the Morgan Horse...Park Horse in Harness, Pleasure Driving, Roadster, Justin Morgan Class, Gay 90s Class or Cavalcade Americana; and the Hackney Horse...Origin, Description and Classes...plus the Hackney Pony.
Chapters examine the Harness Pony, the Standardbred Horse...History of the Breed, Racing, Training; the Roadster...Classes and Training; the American Saddle Horse...History, Combination Saddle Horse, Fine Harness Horse, Pleasure Driving Saddlebred Horse; the Appaloosa Horse...History, Pleasure Driving Class, Buckboard Class; the Pinto Horse...Types and Characteristics, Formal Driving, Pleasure Driving, Roadster.
Further chapters are given for the P.O.A. (Pony of the Americas)...Development of the Breed, Breed Specifications, Color Patterns, Pleasure Driving, Roadster; the Shetland Pony...Origin and Description, Single Harness Class, Roadster, Pony Fancy Turnout, Junior Classes; and the Welsh Pony...History, Categories and Classes, Pleasure Driving, Formal Driving, Fine Harness Ponies, Roadster.
The final chapter is concerned with Preparing for a Horse Show...Clipping and Trimming, Hoofs, Bathing, Braiding, Cleaning the Harness, Grooming, Harnessing, and Packing the Show Trunk.
Drive On
180 pages, 6 x 9, illustrations and photographs....$15.00 |
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