Making Money with Classified Ads
by Melvin Powers
....This book can change your life: |
It's written by Melvin Powers—a multi-millionaire international marketing expert, mail order consultant, and publisher of such bestsellers as Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, M.D.
You Can Make Lots of Money with Classified Ads!
I Did, and I'll Teach You How! |
Sound incredible? Maybe, but over 40 years ago, I started my mail order career with one small classified ad. Since then, I've run thousands upon thousands of ads, month after month, year after year and have made millions doing it. I've learned a lot about what works and what doesn't. I found that, as with most things, making money with classified ads is easy when you know how.
There are many "get rich quick" plans. Some are based on theories that simply don't work. Others are winners that have proven themselves over the years. These opportunities have stood the test of time. My techniques for making money with classified ads is one of them.
I can't promise that you will get rich overnight (although some people do) and I can't promise you the moon (although I have helped many people to reach it). What I can promise is that if you are willing to put some time and effort into doing as I suggest, you positively will become successful. How do I know for sure? Because my approach to success works. I've proven it again and again in the real world, first with myself and then with other people, just like you!
It's Your Turn for Success! |
Now you can assure your success by learning the winning mind-set and techniques I developed by trial-and-error during my four decades of experience as a successful mail order entrepreneur, consultant, book publisher, author, and instructor. Not only have I made a fortune, but my proven techniques have made big money for many of the thousands of students who have taken the mail order courses I taught at colleges and universities in the Los Angeles area for over ten years. I have helped students to become successful entrepreneurs—in fact, to literally change their lives dramatically—so many times that I am absolutely positive it can be repeated by anyone who is willing to listen and follow through.
Make a Beautiful, New Life for Yourself! |
If you take my solid, proven techniques that have performed reliably day after day, year after year and put them to use, you will succeed in making a life in which you will no longer be dependent on a boss or a job or a salary that someone else dictates. You won't be at the mercy of inflation, recession, or other monetary fluctuations. When, where, and how you work will be entirely up to you. And so will how much money you make. You'll have control of your life and feel good every day about who you are and what you are doing. It's a feeling like no other.
Can You Really Make Money Running Classified Ads? |
You certainly can! Did you ever stop to wonder who's running the hundreds of classified ads you see in magazines and tabloids? It's people like you and me. Some are just starting out, others have been advertising for years. What does it mean when the same ads run again and again? It means they are making money. Behind those few classified lines inviting you to send for a catalog or further information could easily stand a business doing millions of dollars a year in sales. I ought to know. Some of my ads have been running every month for 25 years! If you are willing to learn what I have to teach, you can be saying the same thing 25 years from now.
The Melvin Powers Formula for Success: |
My book, Making Money with Classified Ads, is a 240-page, 8 1/2" x 11", fully illustrated guide to entrepreneurial success, jam-packed with details that systematically walk you through the steps necessary to make money—the same steps that are still making money for me.
It takes a practical, nuts-and-bolts approach to starting and running a mail order business based on classified ads. The book is easy to follow and fun to read. Yes, I said fun. (You'll see what I mean soon after you sit down in your easy chair, open the cover, and begin to read.) All you have to do is follow the step-by-step instructions and you may very well take what turns out to be the adventure of a lifetime.
Get Years' Worth of On-the-Job Experience In Only a Few Weeks |
Making Money with Classified Ads includes something you probably have never seen before. Copies of ads, circulars, sales letters, and other literature from dozens of actual advertising campaigns—some that proved their pulling power by bringing in thousands of dollars—and analyses of how and why they pulled and how you can make similar pieces work for you. I literally lay open the internal workings of my business and my mind, sharing my own mental processes as I choose a new product, plan the advertising campaign, prepare the literature, execute the plan, evaluate it, keep track of it, expand it, pull back when appropriate—and love every minute of it all.
You'll see the mechanics of how everything comes together from inception to the natural wind-down of successful and not-so-successful campaigns. I share some of my biggest winners and some losers. As a result of experiencing numerous mail order campaigns almost as if you had conducted them yourself, you'll gradually develop a sixth sense—an intuitive feeling about what works and what doesn't that usually takes years of trial-and-error to develop.
You'll learn how to find and use the same resources that I and other professionals use. You'll be reading the same magazines I read. Evaluating the same products I evaluate. Analyzing the competitions' ads as I analyze them. And finding great new ideas where I find them. You'll develop a business logic that will help you make the right decisions, and instincts that will make you, and save you, a lot of money.
Here's what else you'll get when you send for Making Money with Classified Ads:
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Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of dozens of my own business contacts and resources—my printer, graphic artist, copywriters, mailing list broker, individuals at various publications who place my ads, and more. |
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Names and addresses of resource directories and trade publications that pros rely upon. Information on how to get free copies, and how to use them to find the source of proven products. |
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Actual classified ads that are being used successfully to build a large multi-level business and instructions on how to use them to build an organization of your own. |
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And that's not all. You'll learn where professionals find products and how they choose winners. How they know what's hot and what's not. |
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Where to find invaluable free resources that contain thousands of products and how to choose those that are most likely to work. |
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How to prepare advertising materials that pull orders and how to stay on top of the competitions' winners and losers. |
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How to get started with a minimum expenditure of money. |
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How, when, and where to advertise to have the best chance of success—and where and when not to advertise. |
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How to get people to answer your ads. And how to get them to buy and continue to buy your products. |
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How to ensure your success with full-page ads before you run them. |
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How to pyramid your profits into an income that will mean financial security. |
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How to think like an entrepreneur. |
My Personal Guarantee to You: |
I guarantee that if you read Making Money with Classified Ads and you actively participate in the process it guides you through, your creativity will be sparked, your intuition developed, your business sense sharpened, and your feelings about yourself and your life transformed. You will establish yourself as a mail order entrepreneur with unlimited potential. If you listen and act upon what you learn, you can become rich both financially and personally. I know this for a fact.
There aren't any secrets. There are logical steps to take. But you must take them. My formula for success will only work for you if you work at it. The question is, are you sufficiently motivated to do what it takes? Is your determination to succeed strong enough to see you through the process that will ultimately get you what you want? If so, it's only a matter of time until you experience the joy of shaking out checks, cash, and money orders from stacks of mail sent to you every day.
1. |
Getting Started with Classified Ads, page 5.
This 16-Year Old with No Marketing Experience Ran Successful Ads Right Away . . . And So Can You! Never Underestimate the Power of Classified Ads! Your Winning Mind Set. Steps to Success. |
2. |
Everyone Loves to Read Classified Ads, page 15.
Your First Assignment. Classified Advertising Rates. |
3. |
How to Find a Money-Making Product, page 49.
How to Start the Wheels of Creativity Turning. Check Out Your Future Competition. Finding the Source of Products. Give Them What They Want. The Backbone of Your Business. Your Business is Going Great . . . Now What? How to Get Thousands of Extra Dollars Into Your Pocket . . . Effortlessly. Partial Consumer Magazine List. |
4. |
Write Classified Ads That Make Money, page 67.
Read Ad Copy Written by the Pros. What a Winning Ad Must Do. Two Types of Classified Ads. Headlines Carry the Greatest Impact. The Body Delivers the Message that Makes or Breaks the Ad. Four Rules for Writing the Body of a Powerful, Money-Making Ad. Where Not to Advertise. Fish Where the Fishing is Good. Test the Water Before You Plunge In! The Best Times to Advertise. How Much Will it Cost?. It's Time to Run the Ad. You've Got a Winner! . . . What Do You Do Now? How to Track Your Results. You've Got a Loser . . . What Do You Do Now? Self Quiz and Assignments. |
5. |
What I've Learned from Running Thousands of Classified Ads Month After Month, Year After Year, page 81.
How to Make a Good Ad Even Better. The Right Item At the Right Time Is Magic!. Your Lack of Interest Can Cost You a Fortune. A Little-Known Secret of Mail Order Success. Don't Fall in Love. Look for Gems In Other People's Rubble. Test . . . Test . . . Test. To Charge or Not to Charge . . . That is the Question. When is Enough, Enough? A New Spin on Classified Ads. |
6. |
Classified Ads Can Help You Make Big Money in Multi-Level Programs, page 99.
What Can Multi-Level Marketing Do for You? What's the Secret of Success? Your Money-Making Mentor. A Never-Ending Source of New Leads. Ads that Work. |
7. |
Two-Step Classified Ads Made Me a Multi-Millionaire. They Can Do the Same for You! page 109.
The Secret Weapon that Drives Response Rates Up. Creative Thinking Can Save the Day . . . and the Offer! The Magic Number is Four. A Hit Ad Sold Tons of Hit Songbooks. Sometimes Less is Plenty. Give Them a Lift. Selling to the Rich and Famous. 800 Phone Numbers . . . Do You Need Them? Your Product on TV? . . . It Could Happen! What Works . . . And What Doesn't. |
8. |
One-Inch Display Ads Can Work Wonders, page 143.
One Step or Two? . . . How to Decide. One-Step Display Ads . . . How Big to Pull Big? Display Ads . . . Do They Get Better Results than Classifieds? A Great Team . . . Full-Page Ads and Classifieds |
9. |
Full-Page Display Ads Can Make You a Fortune Overnight, page 151.
How to Make Sure Your Full-Page Ad Is Going to Be a Winner. How to Get Rich in Mail Order. How to Get the Best Spot. AFew Words Can Make All the Difference. Split Runs Give Indisputable Answers. An Unusual Money-Back Guarantee. Get the Best Ad Placement on the Best Days. Creativity Can Turn One Hot Offer Into an Entire Industry! Does Setting a Time Limit on an Offer Move Readers to Action? What Full-Page Ads and Direct Mail Pieces Must Do to Be Successful. Readers Will Instantly Recognize These Elements That Can Make or Break an Offer. |
10. |
Although I Live in California, I Buy My Grapefruit from Florida! page 161.
Reminders Bring in Extra Orders. Better than Good Is Best. Foods are Big Business. How to Make Your Direct Mail a Winner. How to Save Your Offer from a Terrible Fate. The Power of a Personal Touch. The More You Tell, the More You Sell. Make it Easy to Order And Easy to Get the Product to the Customer. Can You Tip the Scales in Your Favor? Your Free Education. |
11. |
Nuts and Bolts of Mail Order Success, page 185.
Keeping Track of Your Profits. Predicting Your Winners. Monthly Record of Ad Receipts. The Order Incentive That Isn't Worth Using. Drop Shipping Makes It Easy to Fulfill Orders. If You Stock Inventory. Follow the Rule. |
12. |
What If You Can't Get Your Business Running Successfully? What's Wrong? How to Correct It, page 197.
Become a Mail Order Detective. Good Advertising Copy is the Lifeline of Your Business. If You Still Haven't a Clue and You're Considering Throwing Away your Detective's Badge. Interest Cycles Can Drive Sales Up . . . and Down. If You Can't Figure Out What Ails Your Campaign It May Be Time to Call a Doctor. Free Help from Uncle Sam. When Your Best Shot Isn't Good Enough. The Key to Mail Order Success. |
13. |
The Melvin Powers Strategy for Mail Order Success, page 205.
Keep Your Customers Happy. Be Accessible and Listen. Make Your Education Continuous. The Moment of Truth. Take Responsibility for Your Success. Your Creative Challenge. Take the Long-Range View. Get the Midas Touch. Develop a Winning Attitude. Melvin Powers Mail Order Millionaire Course. Read This Only If You Have Decided Not to Order. Tap the Powerful Positive Forces Within You.
Appendix, page 217. |
Judge My Book at Absolutely No Risk |
Does it sound too good to be true? You can be the sole judge of that on a 30-day, money-back guarantee basis. See for yourself that Making Money with Classified Ads is all I say it is.
Attend One of My College Seminars |
And in case you would like to "attend one of my seminars" in the privacy and comfort of your own home or automobile, I'll extend the same guarantee to my audio course, Melvin Powers Mail Order Millionaire Course, which includes 23 downloadable mp3 lessons, the special bonus lesson 50 Proven Mail Order Products, plus the books Making Money with Classified Ads, How to Get Rich in Mail Order and How to Self-Publish Your Book and Have the Fun of Being a Best-Selling Author.
It will seem as if you are sitting in my classroom and I'm talking directly to you. You'll hear lots of invaluable, in-depth, nitty-gritty information about how to make it in mail order. And you'll hear for yourself the upbeat, encouraging messages that have helped many students to overcome the inertia that often keeps capable people from realizing their potential.
YES, I want to become successful making money with classified ads.
Making Money with Classified Ads
8 1/2 x 11, 240 pages, fully illustrated . . . $20.00 |
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