Chess Made Easy
by Milton L. Hanauer
Chess is not a mystery, any more than arithmetic is a mystery. But it can not be readily understood in its most complex form. The relationship of the individual pieces of one side to one another and to the pieces of the opposing side must be learned in slow, yet scientific, stages, until the player develops the power which comes from immediate recall based upon habitual response.
When this book was originally planned, there was an urgent need for something honestly written for the person who wished to learn to play chess well. The elements of chess play, combination, tactics and strategy, had appeared only in the titles of books supposedly written for beginners. As Director of the Interscholastic Chess League of New York City, the author had been able to examine at close range the difficulties encountered by beginning players. This resulted in his developing a series of planned exercises for teaching chess. Later, he developed a "Chess Test for Players below Master Class," which was approved as a thesis in a course in Education Research. The three comparable forms of this test were tried out on players competing for the New York City Interscholastic Chess Championship. These tests, endorsed by the famous chess master Fred Reinfeld, became the basis of this book.
Chess Made Easy
160 pages, extensive diagrams....$5.00 |
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