Chess in Ten Easy Lessons
by Larry Evans
Chess is a fine art but it requires no exceptional scientific or mathematical ability.
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Larry Evans is a Grandmaster, the highest title that can be awarded by the International Chess Federation. All his knowledge and experience have gone into the creation of this work which not only provides a clear exposition of basic principals but also countless tips for the novice as well as the more advanced player. The questions of what to do, what not to do, and why are answered fully in text and diagrams. Much space is devoted to particularly knotty problems and exercises.
Although no book can turn anyone into an expert by magic, this volume makes it possible for the student even if he is completely unfamiliar with chess to become a proficient player if he has the will to learn.
A wise man once wrote: "Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make man happy." The reader will discover this for himself. After studying Chess in Ten Lessons, the reader will find that he need no longer miss out on the fun of playing this "king" of indoor sports.
Chess in Ten Easy Lessons
192 pages, extensive diagrams....$10.00 |
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