Bridge Bidding Made Easy
A Modern Guide to the Language of the Game
by Edwin B. Kantar
Bidding is vital.
the author |
Bridge Bidding Made Easy is an effort to put some logic into a natural bidding system. It will answer many of the questions you have about bidding. Is this or that bid forcing? What is a reverse? When should I open the "Short Club"? How do I show a void after Blackwood? When is four no trump Blackwood?
Antiquated bids, such as The Strong Two Bid, The Forcing Jump Raise, The Super Strong Responder Jump Bid and The Free Raise, have been replaced by bids that come up with greater frequency and can be used far more logically.
An effort has been made to show you the futility of simply counting points and expecting to know what to bid. There's more to it than just points.
To be an expert or even an adequate bidder you must learn to evaluate your hand as the bidding progresses. Your hand does not keep a fixed count throughout. The count fluctuates, particularly with distributional hands.
You must also learn to think about and visualize your partner's hand. You are not only trying to bid your own thirteen cards but also to put your partner's bidding in context with your hand.
Bridge Bidding Made Easy tries to present a little understanding of the most pleasurable and challenging of all card games. Sure it takes an effort but it's worth it. Ask any bridge player.
Bridge Bidding Made Easy
282 pages, 8 1/2 x 11....$15.00 |
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