The Secret of Bowling Strikes!
by Dawson Taylor
What to do when you are
"in trouble"... |
Everyone runs into trouble occasionally in bowling, even the stars. All of a sudden, the ball that worked so well last week is jumping into the head pin leaving nothing but splits; or else it is failing to "come up" when you expect that it will and you find yourself missing usually easy spares.
What to Do? The first thing is don't get panicky and start to make radical changes. The first consideration is whether the difficulty lies in the alley conditions or whether it is in your own ability to throw your usual type of delivery. Presume first that alley conditions are at fault and make your first correction by changing your "angle." At the same time, without changing your delivery other than the slight change in starting position, line or spot, make sure that you are throwing a "live" ball, one with "action," as a result of the proper application of the "squeeze."
You may make a complete correction immediately and start scoring well at once. On the other hand, you may be in serious trouble and be faced with problems with both alley conditions and your own form, so that the corrections may not work right away or at all.
Included in the book is a check list compiled from asking star bowlers what they do when they get "in trouble." The book is designed so that you can clip out this suggestion list and put it in your wallet. If you use it, it may save you many a bad night.
The Secret of Bowling Strikes!
130 pages, extensive instructional photographs....$5.00 |
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