How to Cure Behavior Problems in Horses
by Susan McBane
All horse owners find from time to time that their animals do not behave in an acceptable manner. In How to Cure Behavior Problems in Horses, Susan McBane shows why a horse's behavior can fail to reach our expectations. She examines the problems from a new perspective and asks us to imagine how the horse might see a given situation and identify it with events in its own past. Above all, the necessity to understand the animal can often take us half way to solving the problem itself.
The first part of the book examines the evolution of the horse and the instinct mechanisms it has developed to protect itself in its natural environment. The author evaluates the horse's learning and memory faculties and asks why habits are formed and how they can be changed. The essential differences between intelligence and conditioned behavior are stressed and methods of scientifically assessing intelligence are set out with the proviso that instinct may impinge on any conditioning process.
There is an informative section giving accounts of problems that have been encountered by other horse experts.
The latter part of the book is a practical problem dictionary the author does not just cite the various problems that can be encountered but sets out the particular vice or problem, examines the potential causes and then offers sound, corrective action. Her approach is realistic; valuable advice is given on when professional help should be sought, and on when a problem simply cannot be remedied.
Illustrated throughout with practical black-and-white photographs and line illustrations, How to Cure Behavior Problems in Horses is an invaluable handbook for all those wishing to understand and solve their horse problems.
How to Cure Behavior Problems in Horses
304 pages, 6 x 9, photographs, illustrations....$15.00 |
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