An Expert's Guide to Basic Dressage
by Jean Froissard
Dressage to the average modern rider is a competitive event. Yet dressage means nothing except training (the french word for training is dressage), and it is the training of the horse, not the rider, who is supposed to know what he is doing before he ventures to teach a horse.
An Expert's Guide to Basic Dressage helps you to acquire the proper horse, then learn to train him, step by step. The 'dressage test' is just exactly what it declares itself to be: a test of training. But dressage is also a craft, and thus it can be taught and learned in simple terms, provided the student has already a good seat, steadiness, independence of aids and a certain feeling, called equestrian tact.
The contents of An Expert's Guide to Basic Dressage include Riding in Tune, Understanding the Aids, The Rider as Trainer and the First Commandment, The Horse Turns by Both Ends, The Question of Balance, The Ramener, The Half-Turn on the Haunches and The Halt, The Rein Back and Rein Aids, Changing Speeds and Gaits, The Canter, The Second and Third Commandments, Work on Two Tracks, and General Impressions.
An Expert's Guide to Basic Dressage
110 pages, illustrations and photographs....$7.00 |
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