Astrology Made Easy
by Astarte
From the author:
This book is intended as a practical introduction to the art and science of Astrology.
Remembering the difficulties which confronted me when I was first grappling with its intricacies, I shall try to explain everything in the simplest possible way, and I will leave out all but the essential astronomical details, which usually form an unnecessarily large and tedious part of any textbook on it. Likewise, other than in the list of recommended bibliography which will be appended, I shall not refer to the very numerous writers of renown from whose works various details of technique have been added to Ptolemy's fundamental principals.
Much that is in this book is based upon my own personal experience as a professional of thirty years persistent astrological work, experience gleaned from contact with thousands of clients whose charts are in my files. I can therefore vouch for such information as concerns the zodiacal types, the effects of planetary groupings and also for the validity of the System of House Division employed in the calculation of horoscopes, a system which has recently come under much attack, largely from misguided astrologers who are poor exponents of their craft.
The whole basis of astrology rests upon the assumption that human character and fate can be understood by linking both with the activity of our Solar System. Astrology is purely and simply a method of correlating that which is born or begun with the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets in the Zodiac at the time this happens.
Astrology Made Easy
192 pages....$7.00 |
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