The Art of Western Riding
by Suzanne Norton Jones
The Art of Western Riding is a thorough and comprehensive book covering western riding. Suzanne Norton Jones has used her many years of experience in this field to clearly impart to the reader her basic methods of instructing rider and horse. Suzanne's riding and teaching has not only been limited to the western saddle. She is equally proficient as a rider of hunters, jumpers and basic dressage. The latter has had an influence on the outlines of the excellent 'Arena Tests' to be found in this book.
The Art of Western Riding systematically covers phases in instruction, training and showing, as well as judging. In addition, it contains illustrations and explanations of equipment, plus a coverage of the American Horse Shows Association rules.
A well-schooled western horse, ridden by a well-schooled horseman, can not only surpass untrained rivals in show and rodeo, but can do better work at home and on the ranch. The same horse, if he is good enough and properly ridden, should be able to win as a barrel racer in a rodeo, work cattle on the ranch, and accommodate the youngest rider for his first lesson. The Art of Western Riding is a most helpful guide to a well balanced riding program.
The Art of Western Riding
164 pages, photographs and illustrations....$10.00 |
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