2500 Jokes to Start 'Em Laughing
by Robert Orben
There is no better, faster, or more effective way to reach out and grab an audience's attention than by the adroit use of humor. An apt, well-timed joke can soothe the hostile, focus the uninterested, and hypo the enthusiastic.
Here are more than 2500 short, sharp laugh-getters that can be easily added to speeches, lectures, presentations, or casual conversation. They are arranged in several hundred categories for ease of selection. The subject matter is topical and the construction modern. Most are one-liners that develop the thought, the straight line, and the punch line in as few words as possible. The one-liner moves with a snap and a sizzle that create a sense of spontaneity lacking in anecdotes and stories.
Touching all speech bases, you will find openings and closings, plus random and specific comment invaluable to anyone who has ever been called upon to "say a few words." Even the material in the various subject categories has been arranged so that it forms a rough continuity. All you have to do is select and speak.
Those who can bring a smile, a giggle, or a belly laugh into our day are the most welcome of friends, neighbors, or business associates. It has often been said that humor is contagious. With the help of this book, you can be a carrier.
2500 Jokes to Start 'Em Laughing
232 pages....$10.00 |
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